Test: missing modules
As an innovation-driven technology group, we enable our customers to make the best decisions for the performance, integrity and life-time extension of their assets. For over 40 years, we have delivered profound insights, innovative solutions and outstanding services based on our exceptional expertise in multiple technology areas, combined with advanced digital and AI-based capabilities.

Our comprehensive view makes the difference
Maintaining industrial assets and infrastructure can only be ensured through a comprehensive understanding of current and predicted future conditions. To develop effective strategies, taking into account regulations as well as the proper use of technologies and methods and their effectiveness, we follow a holistic approach – the plan, do, check, act and set process. Due to the modularity of this process, it can be adapted to any task of operators without losing sight of the big picture.
We never stop inventing to meet your needs
We thrive on progress and are therefore constantly working to further develop our technologies and create new solutions that pave the way to an even safer and more sustainable future. Our research and development work and manufacturing capacities enable us to respond flexibly to customer requirements and offer tailored solutions for a wide range of challenges.